Thursday, 21 June 2018

County AGM

There was a higher than usual turnout at last night's County AGM, with 13 people in attendance. There is nothing too momentous to report. We have had a volunteer come forward to run a County U140 team, and as soon as I have his full details I will publish them. Robert West and Peter Evans will continue to run the U100 and U120 teams but there was nobody forthcoming to run an Open, U180 or U160 team.

Peter Evans has replaced me as County Tournament Secretary and I wish him luck in banging his head against the same brick wall that I have been doing for the past 3 years.

All other Officers were re-elected unopposed.

The 2018 County Congress to be held over the weekend of 30th November/2nd December. Venue to be announced later. Work will be done to enable online entries.

The Club Of The Year Award was not made this year. 

For reasons best known to themselves, the Meeting gave me the Staffordshire Chess Association Personality Of The Year Award, ostensibly for the work I have done as County Tournament Secretary and on the County website. Very unexpected and very embarrassing !!

A Privacy Policy to be put in place following recent changed to Data Protection Laws.

Full Minutes of the Meeting, plus the Accounts, to be published on the County website shortly.