Please click here to see the current list of entrants. The time and point handicaps shown are provisional and will depend on the final range of players grades.
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Thursday, 24 December 2015
NSDCA Santa Handicap
It's not too late to get your entry in for the Santa Handicap at Crewe Chess Club on Wednesday 30th December. However, entries are limited to 24 so if you want to play then please get your entry in to David Hulme by the 29th December. David's contact details are or telephone 01270 569570. Entry fee is £1, with the proceeds going to the league.
Please click here to see the current list of entrants. The time and point handicaps shown are provisional and will depend on the final range of players grades.
Please click here to see the current list of entrants. The time and point handicaps shown are provisional and will depend on the final range of players grades.