I'm sure that Robert Milner will be publishing the full Minutes from last night's AGM very soon but, in the meantime, here are some of the salient points :
Martyn Harris has sadly resigned all of his positions in the NSDCA. His will be big shoes to fill as without a Fixtures Secretary there would be no league. We can only hope that this is a temporary state of affairs and that he will be back soon. A vote of thanks for his services to the NSDCA was carried unanimously.
Roger Edwards agreed to step in as Fixtures Secretary and myself as Results Secretary.
Bill Armstrong announced that this would be his last year as Treasurer.
David P Price (Crewe) and Phil Cattermole (Macclesfield) were voted onto the Committee as new members.
Roger Edwards was appointed as the second NSDCA Rep to the County, replacing myself as I already have a place on the County Committee as Tournament Secretary.
The title of Publicity Officer was abolished and replaced by Webmaster.
Robert Milner urged all clubs to support the Staffordshire County Cup competitions. These are open to all clubs affiliated to the NSDCA, regardless of whether or not they are actually in Staffordshire. NSDCA clubs have been under represented in these competitions in the past few years and this is a situation we would like to see rectified.
League fees for the coming season have been increased to £10 per team for Divisions 1 and 2 and £8 for Divisions 3, 4 and 5.
Crewe Chess Club's application to join the NSDCA was passed unanimously, bringing the number of affiliated clubs up to 10.
The composition of the Divisions was decided, as were the draws for the various Cup competitions, and these will be published in the next day or so.
Next year's AGM will be held on Monday 13th July at Fenton Chess Club.
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