Welcome to the website of the North Staffs & District Chess Association. The purpose of this site is to provide news, views and information on chess in North Staffordshire and beyond. Please use the tabs below to navigate the website.
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Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Roger Edwards Simultaneous
Roger Edwards, President of both the NSDCA and the English Chess Federation, gave a simultaneous display at Bloxwich Junior Chess Club on Saturday 2nd February. 17 players from the Bloxwich Junior Club pitted their wits against Roger and 4 of them managed to outwit him while 4 more of them managed to hold him to a draw, leaving Roger with 9 wins. All winners (except Roger presumably !!) received a chess book donated by the President and presented by Local Councillor, Julie Fitzpatrick. Eunice and Ray Dolan of the Bloxwich Junior Club would like to offer their thanks to Roger for taking the time to come to their club and spending time with the children and to everybody who helped make the event such a success. You can click here to view photos from the event.