21 members were in attendance at last night's AGM. I do not intend to go into great detail here as Martyn Harris has produced an excellent report on the night's proceedings on the Newcastle website - click here to view it. Also included in this report is the composition of the various divisions for next season and the draw for the 1st Round of the cup competitions.
However, I would like to make a small apology. In my own report I mentioned the high standard of the websites of the NSDCA clubs. I specifically mentioned Alsager and Stafford as they are new sites this year. I also mentioned my own club, Fenton, as their website has undergone a complete overhaul. I also made brief references to other existing websites but, unfortunately, forgot to mention Newcastle. This was not intentional, as we all know how much information is provided on this site, but rather because I was caught on the hop as I was not expecting to make a report and was speaking spontaneously. So my apologies to Newcastle, and more specifically Martyn Harris, for my unintended omission.
I would like to re-iterate some of the things I said in my report. I am anxious that this website should be as up to date as possible but, to do this, I need the support of all Club Secretaries and Team Captains in sending me results of your matches as quickly as possible after they have taken place. I am also keen to include any news of your club championships, any other internal events you may be organising, achievements of your players in congresses and any other news that you may think is interesting and worthy of publication. This is particularly true over the summer months when there is no league activity as I do not want the site to stagnate during this period.
I am also very keen to report on the progress of NSDCA clubs in other competitions and tournaments that they may enter - particularly the 4NCL, Cannock League and Stockport League. So if your club is doing well in another competition let me know about it and I'll be more than happy to publicise it.
Finally, can I thank all those Club Secretaries and Team Captains who supported me this season by providing their results so promptly, enabling me to maintain a website that, I hope, provided news that was relevant and up to the minute.
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